Our Story.


Co-Founders Camila Furr Márquez and Rachel Arlene Redeye Porter met at the The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University in Fall 2015 where they were both studying gender analysis, socially conscious entrepreneurship and Indigenous rights. In January 2020, only three months before the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the U.S. into lockdown, life circumstances caused Rachel to move to Santa Fe, NM, which happened to be Camila’s hometown and current residence. Motivated to make positive change in the world together, they began collaborating on a podcast about the U.S. - Mexico border. When George Floyd was killed on May 25, 2020 and coversations about police brutality peaked among previously disengaged people, they decided to expand their focus and meet the momentum of the moment by hosting and facilitating anti-racist and liberation focused study groups, workshops, and community building events. In March 2021, Camila and Rachel formalized their partnership and became Co-Founders of Kneading Change, LLC.

  • Camila Furr Márquez


    Camila (she/they) is a Nepantlerx educator, community-builder, and trauma-informed life coach specializing in ancestral connection, antiracism, embracing mixed identity, self-love, and embodiment. She is the co-creator of Kneading Change, an organization whose aim is to work with justice-seeking people to embrace and express their multiple identities through liberation-focused education, coaching, and consulting. She holds a BA from Cornell University in Human Development // Africana Studies // Latino Studies and a Masters in Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts. She has been involved in the changemaking sphere for over a decade. You can find Camila on Instagram at @camilafmarquez and @kneadingchange.

    Camila specializes in the following areas:

    • Trauma resolution

    • Ancestral connection and intergenerational trauma healing

    • Somatics & embodiment

    • Identity & Belonging

    • Race and gender-based trauma

    • Reclaiming wholeness through creative expression

    • Body love and body image

    • Healing from burnout and compassion fatigue through self-care and community care

  • Rachel Arlene Redeye Porter


    Rachel (she/her) is a mixed race writer, storyteller and thinker of Seneca and mixed European ancestry. She identifies as both Indigenous and mixed and advocates for inclusive and expansive narratives around contemporary Indigeneity through her organizations Indigenous Enough and Kneading Change. She is the former Editor-In-Chief of Rematriation Magazine & Media. Rachel earned her Master’s degree from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University in 2017 where she focused on Gender Analysis in International Relations, human security and Indigenous coalition building. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Non-Fiction at the Institute of American Indian Arts. Follow her work on Instagram at @indigenousenough and @kneadingchange.

    Rachel specializes in the following areas:

    • Weaving & balancing personal and professional lives

    • Building a career that cultivates wholeness

    • Intersectional identities

    • Grief, caregiving & chronic stress

    • Healing from burnout and compassion fatigue through self-care and community care

  • Vision.

    We envision a world where all people can live fully and authentically as their true selves, in balance with Mother Earth and with respect for all her lifeforms.

  • Mission.

    We activate justice-seeking people, organizations and businesses to embrace and express their multiple identities through liberation-focused education, coaching, and consulting.

  • Theory of Change.

    If we create a community that models how to live and work from a place of multitudes, people will feel a deep sense of embodied wholeness which will motivate them to create and foster that type of inclusion within other systems and spaces in their life.

What we do.

Our Values.


Reclaiming Wholeness.


Reclaiming Wholeness is our approach to narrative change. White Supremacy, colonialism and capitalism have dissected our bodies, fragmented our stories and displaced us from land. Black, Indigenous and people of color, women, trans and nonbinary folxs have experienced this trauma to the greatest degree. At Kneading Change, we believe that all people deserve to be whole and live beautifully intersectional and complex lives. You do not have to simplify your identity for anyone. It is time to reclaim wholeness and humanity.

(Kneading Change does not claim credit for originating this terminology, it has been in use under various definitions for some time.)


Compassionate Accountability.


At Kneading Change, we practice compassionate accountability by lovingly taking notice and action when we observe ourselves or others engaging in oppressive or triggering behaviors. All of our workshops include parameters to facilitate brave spaces and this includes calling each other in with the assumption that the intentions of those who sign up for our workshops are usually good. We do have a zero tolerance for hate speech and violence; however, participant safety and well-being is always prioritized above learning and growth.

(Kneading Change does not claim credit for originating this terminology, it has been in use under various definitions for some time.)


Radical Transparency.


We aim to set the standard when it comes to socially conscious business practices. In all of our workshops we share the why behind our process, so you know exactly what is happening at all times. As our business grows, we will also be sharing the data and metrics we use to measure our success.

Equity and Accessibility.


Kneading Change is committed to ensuring that our spaces are inclusive of people of all backgrounds and abilities. We offer sliding payment plans for our coaching programs and our paid workshops have free tickets and/scholarships available for those who need them. We are also committed to hosting free events for the public as we have capacity and resources. Subtitles for virtual events will be provided on an as needed basis. We aim to have them available at all events in the near future. 




We are on this journey with you and we will make mistakes. We hold ourselves to the highest standard which means we respect that there are some experiences, topics and perspectives you will know better than us. We are always open to feedback and will adjust accordingly.

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