What People are Saying.

  • "Kneading Change is such an incredible powerhouse of movement, change-making, and community-creation. Their name really speaks to their approach and methods for pursuing racial justice and creating waves of change in all directions: they support, challenge, and 'knead' their participants in compassionate and thorough ways that create lasting effect, rather than a one-off workshop or class."

    — Martha O.

  • “I learned that calling people into this work and holding them accountable is an act of love, and that is what I felt throughout this whole process. Even though it was uncomfortable and sometimes heartbreaking work, I was able to work through my discomfort because of that accountability and love provided by Camila and Rachel. I still have a lifetime of learning and unlearning to do when it comes to dismantling white supremacy, but because of Kneading Change I have the foundation and tools to keep this work going. I will always be grateful to them.

    — Heather O.

  • “I would recommend Reclaiming Wholeness Coaching to anyone who desires more peace and groundedness in their experience of their own identity in any of the world’s many contexts. I have found the work of reclaiming wholeness to be an incredibly generative route into antiracist work.”

    — Mia B.

  • I would recommend Reclaiming Wholeness Coaching to anyone seeking supportive space-holding, as well as seeking to nurture personal healing and growth in service of collective healing and growth.

    río E. R.