Reflect With Love: Winter Wisdom

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, winter has arrived. With her presence comes all the wisdom of this season that beckons us to move into ease, slowness, and subtle growth. During this time, seedlings incubate beneath layers of snow and decaying life, pausing before awakening into what they will become. We too, can see this time… and perhaps this year… as a time of great rest, heightened slowness, and awakening into what can be. If we look closely, we can feel the subtle (and not so subtle) shifts that have been occurring internally and societally all around the world.

This Monday, we bring you some exercises for reflection on existing in collaboration with the winter season.


In what ways have you shifted this year?

Where are you being beckoned to incorporate more ease or slow down?


Move through the world at half tempo. Choose something you normally rush through in your day and luxuriate in it. Allow yourself to rifle through your clothing appreciating the textures and colors in your closet. Choose to wear something that brings you joy and celebrate the sensations of getting dressed. Take time to prepare your meal. Admire the ingredients that you’ll be transforming into a feast. Smell the spices, observe the intricate designs of your vegetables, relish in the tastes as you adjust proportions. Maybe you want to take a few extra minutes this morning before moving your body out of bed, taking time to enjoy the way the light filters into the room and letting the sheets comfort you a moment longer. Whatever you choose to do today, relish every moment and see if there’s something new you can notice that maybe passed you by before.


Sometimes it can be so difficult to recognize how far we’ve come and this year in particular it may feel like so much and so little have happened simultaneously. Take some time to reflect on what has transpired this year. What challenges have faced and what have you learned from them? What moments of joy do you cherish? If you’re having difficulty with this one, go month by month and reflect on what happened, go through your journals, photos, messages, and emails and notice what occurred.


Find one little way you can nourish yourself today and embrace those cozy, joy-inducing vibes. Perhaps it’s having a luscious conversation with a loved one, drinking a cup of hot cocoa, going on a nice long walk, or diving into the pages of a juicy novel. See if there’s one little way you can nourish your being today.


Reflect With Love: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Reflect With Love: Reclaiming Wholeness