Reflect With Love: Release

2020 is a year to remember to say the least. For many in our community, the unpredictability of the year has brought many moments of sadness and rage which have consumed our personal lives and clouded our worldview. Too often we try to “keep it together” or “suck it up” and the result is that the anger, grief and frustration that needs to pass through our bodies ends up getting stuck. True resilience and perseverance includes space for moments of overwhelm. We deserve to feel our emotions, even amidst the chaos, and we need to hear their messages clearly- especially if we hope to transform them into something else.

This week we share some activities designed to help you release and realign.


What are my BIG feelings trying to tell me?

What needs to be released?


Sometimes we feel emotions without ever knowing exactly where they originate. Taking the time to identify emotional roots and explore the information they carry can allow us to see where there may be misalignment in our lives. It can also help us identify new sprouts of possibility. If you’re feeling sadness, grief or anger, spend a moment letting yourself feel the emotion fully. Write down what prompted the feeling -if you know- or record what is happening to your body as you let yourself feel. Let the truth show up on the page and imagine how you can offer a healing touch to yourself and your emotions. Perhaps it makes sense to hold a grieving ceremony for what triggers you, maybe you’ll feel motivated to take action by attending a protest (with a mask!) or writing a letter to someone you miss or maybe you’ll take some time for nurturing self-care.


When we let emotions build up in our bodies, they can get stuck. It’s that feeling you get in your throat when you want to cry, but don’t let yourself, except it happens everywhere. One of the easiest ways to move these emotions out of our bodies is to shake it off. Literally. Shaking, jumping and dancing lets us release stress and fear from our bodies. This is exactly why dogs shake after they get into a fight. It is precisely why many cultures uplift dance and singing. Movement keeps us healthy. So put on a song that gets you moving, that one your angsty teenage self would sing to in the shower, and air-punch, shake, and stomp it out.

Write down all the things that are causing you pain. Get all of them out on paper. The simple act of moving ruminating thoughts to paper can allow you to be free of them. When you’ve completely emptied the thoughts you’ve been carrying, safely burn the piece of paper and allow these thoughts and feelings to be surrendered to the universe.


Reflect With Love: Reclaiming Wholeness


Reflect With Love: Ancestral Connection