Join CONNECT WITH YOUR ANCESTORS, a 15-week group program to support you in developing and deepening your connection to YOURSELF and YOUR ANCESTORS.

CONNECT WITH YOUR ANCESTORS is for you if you desire: 

  • A relationship with your ancestors that feels like sipping a warm cup of stew around a fireplace, the textures of soft cloth draped over your skin while you indulge in nourishing stories and conversations with kin. 

  • Tools and practices for connecting with your ancestors ranging from the tangible to the spiritual to the somatic. 

  • A gentle space to identify, process, and grieve generational trauma- the pain your ancestors have gone through which you may still carry… as well as a place to explore and hold the “both/and” of ancestors who may have inflicted trauma. 

  • A community to share, witness, and celebrate your histories, experiences, and findings.

  • An opportunity to locate yourself within the spaces you navigate, the time you live in, the communities you are part of and how you desire to be an ancestor in the making. 

  • A trauma-informed program rooted in social justice, self-care, and community care.  

In this program you will receive:

  • 3, 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions. 

  • 1 opening workshop and 1 closing workshop.

  • 6 virtual workbooks (1 for each module) featuring content, journal questions, and practices. 

  • 6, 90-minute, group coaching lessons where you will receive content and be guided through practices related to the module. 

  • 6, 60-minute, community share/Q&A sessions where you can share what you’ve been integrating in community and have your questions answered.  


MODULE 1: Honor Your Knowing

In this module, we will ground into what we already know- the relationships we already have, the desired connection we are hoping to move into, the traditions we already practice, the kinship networks we are already a part of (note: kinship being defined as both chosen and biological kin). We will use this as a launching point to begin our journey.

MODULE 2: Left Brain Approaches to Connecting

In this module, we will explore family trees, documents, and DNA tests. We will examine if these are approaches we want to use, if so, how we can begin to create them, analyze them, and look for patterns. We’ll also be discussing the privilege that often becomes apparent when doing this work. 

MODULE 3: Right Brain Approaches to Connecting

In this module, we will embrace the power of stories- the stories that get told and the stories that are never shared. We will identify the keepers of story in our families, create questions that will help us gather the information we are looking for (and sometimes so much more), and learn how to become keepers of stories ourselves.

MODULE 4: Shadows

In this module, we will tend to the shadows of doing this work and look at the tender parts of our histories. We will learn about, process, grieve, and begin to heal, and transform generational trauma; hold space for the unknown; and find ways to navigate the oppressor/survivor dynamic that may arise.

MODULE 5: Light

In this module we will give space to honor and celebrate those who have come before by engaging with the practices that nourish us- food, tradition, art, music, language, relationship with the earth, and so much more!

MODULE 6: Becoming an Ancestor

In this module we will locate ourselves in space and time looking at how we choose to engage with the world and the legacy that we wish to carry on.