Hi, I’m Camila!

Here at Kneading Change I provide 1:1 Reclaiming Wholeness coaching sessions, lead the group coaching program Connect With Your Ancestors (enrolling in Fall 2023), teach Embody, and co-create and co-facilitate workshops and trainings with Rachel.

If you’d like to schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session to discuss your coaching needs and see if we’re a good fit, you can do so below.

My work is informed by:

Mi familia: siblings, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, tios, tias, and hitos.

My friends.


Social Justice Movements.

Kimberlé Crenshaw, Gloria Anzaldúa, Resmaa Menakem, Bessel van der Kolk, Kimberly Theidon, Betty Williams, Mairéad Corrigan Maguire, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Shirin Ebadi, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela, Robin Wall Kimmerer, adrienne maree brown, Layla Saad, Cathy Park Hong, Lee Lewin, Brenda Bricker, Renwick Griswold, Rudy Balles, Andrea Parrot, Leo Wilton, Alicia Swords, Sam Gregory, Priya Parker, Rachael Maddox, Nadia Munla, Jeannine Yoder, Mikki Kendall, Ta Nehisi-Coates, Luis Rodríguez, Joseph Campbell, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Michael W. Twitty, Robin DiAngelo,

My Credentials:

  • I received my B.S. in Human Ecology as well as a double minor in Latino Studies and Africana Studies from Cornell University. My focus was on risk and opportunity factors in adolescence and how culture, race, and systems play a role in our development.

  • I hold a MALD in Gender in International Relations, Human Security, and Business for Social Impact, from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

  • I am a certified trauma-resolution coach through The ReBloom Coach Training, an 18-month professional training in personal and collective post-traumatic growth facilitated by Rachael Maddox.

  • I am a certified Embody by Nadia instructor and was trained by Nadia Munla. Since 2017 I have guided dozens of women and femmes in online and in-person classes to connect more deeply to their bodies and their bodies’ wisdom. I am also a trained barre instructor.

  • I was certified as a life coach through Jeannine Yoder’s year long program Mentor Masterclass.

  • I have worked over 15 years for an array of youth-based organizations doing community building, mentorship coaching, fundraising, curriculum development and training. Organizations I have worked for include The PeaceJam Foundation, Tomorrow’s Women (formerly known as Creativity for Peace), Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region, WE Charity (formerly known as Free The Children), Love 146 (formerly known as Justice for Children International), and Tierra Encantada Charter School.

  • I was an adjunct at the University of Connecticut where I co-taught a course on “Creative Democracy and Community Building” and am currently a Faculty Development Coordinator at a Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) where I support faculty with culturally responsive pedagogy.

  • Rachel and I facilitated a workshop entitled “Our Self-Care is Not America’s Commodity: Reclaiming Socially Engaged Personal Ritual As A Means to Nurture Individual & Collective Wholeness on Turtle Island” at the Imagining America conference.

  • I facilitated a panel called “Ignite Change: How to Use Podcasting to Cultivate Meaningful Conversation & Transformational Action” at the Outlier Podcast Festival.

  • I received Level One Trauma-Informed Reiki training from Jo Tucker.

What people say about working with Camila:

"I move through the world, a Black femme-identifying person, with a lot of joy and pride and laughter. But I also carry a lot of unacknowledged or ignored pain, compounded by past traumas and ongoing oppressions – so much so, I find it difficult to make a home of my body. Through Embody, Camila guided me and my classmates to co-create a trusting and creative space. A space that encouraged me to come as myself – selves, past and present. Embody was an invitation to be in my body, and while there, to play, to cry, to rage, and to be. And for this, I will be eternally grateful to Camila. It is difficult for me to put words to how beautiful Camila is as a teacher, dancer, and guide. Though unsatisfactory, the words that come to mind to describe her craft include – trusting, courageous, playful, deeply kind, profoundly open, and loving."

— A

"Working with Camila and Kneading Change have felt very nourishing and generative. Camila shows up with a grounded presence, and I look forward to each session and leave the sessions feeling supported and better-equipped to navigate and hold space for myself day-to-day. I can trust in the container that is created because what I need is honored and held kindly."

— río ER

"Reclaiming Wholeness Coaching with Camila has been a gift! Her presence, tools, and experience created a beautiful container for the work we did together, which felt so alive and life-giving.

She somehow always asked me the questions I most wanted to be asked, getting to the root of what contributes to my sense of belonging and wholeness in a way that bypassed unnecessary threads and went straight to the heart of what really influences that question for me. All the while our sessions felt completely natural and relaxed. I felt very held and cared for, and she always made sure I was up for wherever we were going, and that I felt supported in our investigations."

— MB

Having previous experience of dance, I was accustomed to controlling a position, following routine and perfecting choreography. Embody provided a rejuvenation of that innate wild dancer spirit. Uniquely, I was able to relinquish the energy I harbored so much in control and channel it into a creative force of exaltation. I wholeheartedly believe this was made possible with Camila's passion and guidance.

— Leanne P