Hi, I’m Rachel!

I am a Co-Founder and Narrative Change Strategist at Kneading Change. I offer 1:1 Reclaiming Wholeness Coaching, co-lead workshops and trainings with Camila and provide digital storytelling and narrative communications services for businesses and organizations.

If you're inspired to learn more about Reclaiming Wholeness Coaching and/or our unique approach to narrative change strategy, sign-up below for a complimentary 30 minute connection call. I’m excited to meet you!

My work is informed by:

My lived experience as a mixed race, White-passing, unenrolled, queer Indigenous woman living away from her ancestral homelands.

Caregiving and Community Care - the beauty, the challenges, the systems and the hope.

The Indigenous women led movement of rematriation.

The global Indigenous rights movement (past, present, future)

The climate justice movement.

The social movement elders and ancestors that carried us to today.

My Credentials:


What people say about working with Rachel:

"Rachel encouraged me to continue to develop connection to my ancestors, to land, and to my family as it is directly connected to liberation work and the dismantling of white supremacy. I often feel conflicted about what more should be done (white guilt), and Rachel helped me see that the shame is just something that gets in the way and that the change work of being in relationship and community is central to creating new futures. I feel supported and encouraged with the reflections from Rachel that I am very much in process."

— N.R.