Reflect With Love: Home

Each and every one of us has our own connection to home. Home as a place. Home as a group of specific people. Home as an embodied sensation. Here at Kneading Change, we believe that home and identity are intertwined and that when honored fully they can nourish our sense of wholeness. If you’re wanting to deepen your connection to home or figure out what home means to you - in this moment- join us this week in engaging the journal prompt and exercises


What does home mean to you right now?

How has the idea and feeling of home shifted for you over the last six months?

What has remained constant?

Extended Response: Fill in the blank and complete the sentence Home is…Write as many sentences as you can until everything that you associate with home is written down in this simple, poetic form. What do you notice? What patterns are emerging? Are the things, feelings, smells and people that you associate with home in your life now? How can you connect/reconnect with your personal sense of home in the coming week?


We are connected to land in more ways than we know. Whether it’s the scenery we gaze upon everyday, the local foods we harvest and consume, our stewardship of our traditional lands or the lands we are currently on. We invite you to go to and explore 1) Whose lands you are currently on and 2) and who are the people of your ancestral lands. What do these people have in common? What is unique to each group? What is each group’s relationship to the land.


Draw a picture or take a picture of your homescape. What represents home to you? Maybe it’s the curvature of the mountains or the wild shifting of the sea. Maybe, it’s the color of your house… like Frida Kahlo and the primary blue of her walls. Maybe, it’s the image of your friends. Once you have your picture, sit with it for a while. How does it make you feel? What is something new that you notice?


Reflect With Love: Body