Reflect With Love: Body

The relationship we have with our body is one of the most essential relationships we’ll ever have. Amidst election cycles, increasing rates in COVID-19, and lots of readjustments this year, we encourage you to take a moment and connect with the home that is your body. Following are some practices to help build this connection.

To feel at home in your body...


When is the last time you learned something from your body? What was it?

When is the last time you felt grateful for your body? What were you grateful for?


A favorite mantra comes from Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, “Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I smile.” When you first wake up, take the time to connect with your breath. This has the ability to not only calm you, but connect you to your body. You may want to play with placing one hand on your belly and another on your chest. Breath deeply. Elongate your inhale. Extend your exhale. Feel your belly expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.


Simply scan your body. Notice where you’re holding tension, where you feel free, where you feel pain, where you feel pleasure. How do your feet feel? How about your calves, your shins, your thighs, your butt, your pelvic region? How do you feel in your gut, your torso, your back? How do you feel in your shoulders, your arms, your fingertips? How does your neck and your head feel? Simply notice. Notice what’s calling for your attention.


Try randomly selecting a song and letting your body move to the music in whichever way it wants. Trust that whatever guidance your body gives you is pointing you in the direction of exactly what your body needs to move. Stretch out those places that are feeling tension. Let yourself learn from the teachings of your body. Allow your movement to be a conversation.


Now, it’s time to thank your body. Whether you have a loving relationship with your body or not, this practice will build your self-love//body-love muscle. This can look like “thank you feet for carrying me from place to place.” “Thank you body for knowing how to heal me.” “Thank you arms for allowing me to love and hug other people.” Relish in that gratitude. See if there’s something new you can notice.


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