Reflect With Love: Creation Stories

An innate component of our humanity is the giving and receiving of stories. It’s how we entertain, make sense of things, and pass on information. Stories breathe through us and as individual human beings and members of collective cultures, we are living stories. Nearly every culture has a creation story to help us make sense of how we came to be. Similarly, cultures, families, and societies have stories that connect us with how we should be in the world - what to value, what is taboo, and how to be in connection with earth and other living entities.

Following are some exercises for you to connect the teachings of creation: those taught to you and those you claim for yourself.


What stories did you learn about how people came to be?

What stories did you hear growing up about how the world was created and how to belong to it?


Create a mindmap of all of the stories you heard growing up and what these stories taught you. You can include stories you were told by family members, stories you read, anything that stands out to you. Were they told purely for entertainment or were they intended to teach you something? Why do these stories stand out to you?


What creation stories were given to you by your ancestral and/or faith tradition? Perhaps, they are stories you grew up hearing. Perhaps, they are stories you don’t know yet and you’ll have to look for on the internet, within library books or through conversations with relatives. As you begin to trace the stories that orbit your existence, notice what elements are present or recurrent. What does this say about what is valued and/or not valued in the culture or tradition you are learning about? As you examine these stories: What stands out to you? How does this make you feel.


Write down all the stories you remember hearing growing up. Next to each story, write down what it’s purpose was. If there was a message associated with this story about how to be in the world, write that down too. Now, closing your eyes and placing your hands on your belly, tell yourself each of these stories in turn, recalling each detail. How do you feel in your body as you immerse yourself in these stories? Do you notice your belly expanding or contracting? What messages still feel true to you and are messages you want to carry on to future generations? What messages are no longer aligned with what you choose to be in the world. If you are ready to release them, let them go. Offer gratitude for how these stories carried you to the present moment and gratitude for your ability to choose what you carry forward.


Reflect With Love: Tending to Self


Reflect With Love: Body