Reflect With Love: Tending to Self

With the holidays approaching, COVID-19 spiking and many states going back into lockdown, it is entirely likely that many of us are feeling unsettled and uncertain about what’s next. We may be feeling grief (or for some of us relief) in not being able to spend in-person time with our family and friends this holiday season. Regardless of how you’re feeling or where you’re located the following exercises are offered with the intention of bringing you a sense of rootedness and lightheartedness. By allowing ourselves to engage in playfulness even in the most stressful of moments, we give our bodies time to rest.


What do I need?


Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Outside of the circle write down all the things that you do not have control over at this moment. For example: other peoples’ decisions about whether to wear a mask, whether your state will shut-down, the weather, your new partner’s feelings about your relationship or whether or not a birthday package you sent to a friend arrives on time.
Inside of the circle, write down all the things you DO have control over. Having a hot cup of tea, taking time to call a friend, wrapping yourself in cozy blankets, how you choose to spend your time outside of work. Recognize what is out of your control and release it. Recognize what is in your control and tend to it. Allow it to nourish you.


Take a moment each day to pause, breathe deeply and ask yourself “What do I need right now?” Allow yourself to feel whatever it is that comes up. If you’re able to give it to yourself, give yourself permission to do so. If what comes up involves other people, ask if it’s something you can ask them to do or if not, see if there’s a deeper need that you can give yourself that is not currently being met. Regardless of what comes up, notice what the basis of your need is- connection, rest, novelty, food, support, and do one thing that will allow that need to be fed.


You can either journal this activity out, do it with a friend, or use the audio on your phone to record your ideas. All you’re going to do is start each sentence with “What would be really fun would be…” and continue for as long as you can.
What would be really fun would be baking a funfetti cake.
What would be really fun would be having a movie marathon.
What would be really fun would be making an art piece inspired by lotería.
What would be really fun would be building a fort and reading my favorite book in it.
Once you have all your ideas, choose one to do. Maybe your idea is completely out there. If so, think about how you can reimagine it and bring it into reality. This activity is meant to get you thinking about what brings you joy and bring some of that magic into your life right now.


Reflect With Love: Love Languages


Reflect With Love: Creation Stories